Not all children have the same talents and interests. Some are interested in academics, leadership, creative, or artistic arts. Even so, there are 6 important skills that your mother can develop, including verbal, physical, cognitive, interactive, creative, and fine motor skills.
Childhood is the fastest growth and development period in human life. From birth until the age of eight years is a very important moment for cognitive development, emotional, and physical Little. In this age range, his brain develops quickly and can accommodate all the information Mother gives.
Recognize Gifted Children
Gifted children are able to do things without having to learn much, or they can be understood by themselves. For example, children who have skills in the creative field can draw well without being taught by their parents or teachers. However, gifted children need to be directed so that their talents can develop optimally and go one step further. In general, the characteristics of gifted children are that they have more advanced and faster development compared to children their age, are active children, have language development above the average age of their age, and are able to remember all information obtained from parents, television or book. But in reality, there are no definite benchmarks to find out whether Little is talented or not. A gifted child cannot be measured solely from his IQ level, but also from various other aspects, including emotional intelligence or EQ. Talented children may have average IQ scores, but show superior abilities in other fields, such as painting or playing music.Tips for Sharpening Your Child's Talent
Here are some tips for honing children's talents related to 6 important skills that have been described above, namely:Verbal skills
The potential of the Little One in this case can be seen from the frequency of her talking, even talking without stopping, Little is fond of telling stories and composing sentences even though it is not perfect. To develop it, Mother can more often invite him to communicate, read the Little Tale book and ask him to tell it back. Mother can take him to the library to find out various types of books, or can also ask him to write a letter to a family member, or make a video recording of the interview with him. Mother can also ask him to make a song that can be sung together.
Cognitive skills
The potential of Little One in cognitive skills can be seen from his interest in the academic field, for example counting. If your child is already adept at counting, one way to develop this talent is to invite him to prepare dinner, then ask him to count the number of dishes and count the food served, for example the number of apple slices on a plate. Mother can also ask Little to tidy up his room while counting the number of toys.
Physical skills
If your child is talented in physical skills such as sports, it helps you introduce a variety of sports. Invite him to swim, bike around the park, play ball on the field, run, and do various sports and determine what your little one likes. Or, Mother can also teach him to dance. If your child seems to enjoy and easily master the movements that you teach, take your baby to the appropriate course, so that his talents can develop properly.
Creative skills
Usually, children who have creative skills tend to be more adept at playing music, drawing, or producing unique works of art. If your child is interested in music, you can start teaching him various types of musical instruments and register a music course for him. If your child is interested in drawing, Mother can buy drawing books and prepare a complete painting equipment. Mother can also invite her to embroider, make crafts, or sew, if your child is interested.
Interactive skills
To develop his interactive skills, Mother can invite him to play together with children from neighbors, eat together with family or friends, shake hands with people he just met, and teach him to communicate when in the crowd. Teach and educate the Little One early on to not be too dependent on gadgets to play.
Fine motor skills
To develop Little Motor's fine motor skills, Mother can ask her to tidy up her toys based on colors, ask her to tie her own shoelaces, play together to arrange words or letters, and color a drawing book.
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